07 March 2007

Spring Is Rolling In

This post has nothing to do with the weather... even if it does then it's a really weird time to be talking about spring.. well, at least where I am anyway. Because when most parts of the world is enjoying the new colors of tree leaves, the people of Aussieland is preparing to hibernate.

Anyway, thing is... I made spring rolls today!!! and guess what? IT'S A BIG WASTE OF TIME!!!! It would be SOOO much easier just to go get the frozen spring rolls instead of making them from scratch. There goes wasted hours when I could have been reading and doing my report (it's not that I'm a dork, it's just that it's due in 3 days and I still have no idea what the question is about...).
So... here's my spring roll...

It wasn't all that bad... it's just... A WASTE OF TIME!!!

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