26 September 2008

Penguin Lover

i LOVE books. i love reading. i love it even more if the authors that i follow use the same publisher.. because the front cover illustration always match... and they're so pretty when lined up together.

anyway, a few weeks ago i had 3 hours to kill waiting for SOMEONE to finish work. so i went to Dymocks to browse around and guess what i saw.......

glorious Penguin books!!! they're popular, classic titles published by Penguin. they're in their most simplest Penguin front cover style. i want them... but i also know that if i get one, i would need all... and i think its a bit much... i don't think i can finish reading all of the books because i always want more new release books, and in the end if i were to get them, the main reason would be because i want to see a replica of that bookshelf in my room

25 September 2008


i've been waiting all day to share this URL with all you nice people who reads my blog. it's a promotional work between youtube and nintendo wii called

you've GOT TO check it out.
*shouts out to Betty for sharing the URL with me*

24 September 2008

i am NOT a PC

ok... so i was watching 'The Hills'... and there are always these short commercial breaks showcasing the show's sponsors.

today, the sponsor for the show is Windows... so then they show the new Windows commercial with the slogan 'Life Without Walls'. there were actually quite a few celebrities featured in the 30 seconds commercial, although they only appear for less than 5 seconds.

the thing is... after watching 3 different 30 seconds commercial, i still don't get the message. it's a bit of a weak attempt to try to say 'PC is for everybody'. anyway, i'll let you all judge for yourself.

21 September 2008

Kayaking On A Sunday

so... today i went kayaking... it was a spur of the moment thing.  we were supposed to go fishing but while driving around looking for the right place to plant our bait, we passed a kayak rental shop and since the weather is so nice... why not?
well... if any reason should be given to the question 'why not?' it's because i can't swim, even if my life depended on it... which means that i've developed a mild aversion to water sports.  but... we went anyway.. and it was a good thing we did... the view was really nice... sunny with clear blue sky.  it was a little bit difficult to paddle though, because doggy was with us.  before we rented the kayak, we tested his swimming ability and he was fine.

half an hour later, doggy proved that he is not a strong swimmer after all.  he struggled a bit after we put him in the water... so he had to be hoisted up, soaking the cold sea water along with him. 
despite getting my clothes all wet, and now having a sore left arm, it was a really fun activity.

the cost of renting a double kayak for 1 hour = AUD $40
enjoying the sunny clear blue sky, seeing doggy swim (and later seeing him accidentally fall into the water and almost losing him with the waves) = PRICELESS

19 September 2008

...i want...#2

... to try
Arctic Spa

Apparently, it's a spa with heated seat and "mint-infused" air with a temperature of 12.7 degrees celsius O_O. Not only that, there are also crystal snowflakes made out of water and soap falling from the ceiling O_O. I know it'll probably be really cold in there, but .. look at it!!! Don't you just want to try it????

The chances of me actually getting there is slimmer than seeing actual snow though. The QUA Bath & Spa is exclusive to Caesars (Las Vegas & Atlantic City).

16 September 2008

15 September 2008

Did you know...#1

... that KitKats sold in America is produced under license by Hershey's while KitKats sold everywhere else is produced by Nestle???

Red Mango vs. Red Mango

When I went back home in July, Jane was only too happy to take me to Red Mango to try their frozen yogurt. I thought the name was familiar but I didn't think too much of it.

And when I came back to work, I realised why the name was so familiar. There's a patisserie on my way to work with the same name.

------ VS. ------
So there you go... Korean frozen yogurt vs. Sydney patisserie...

Who will win in this battle of brand names?? Fyi, Wikipedia is on the frozen yogurt side...

07 September 2008

Mr. Weather Needs An Attitude Change

This is the weather outlook for the next couple of days in Sydney:

This is supposed to be spring, and yet it feels like extreme winter in some tropical countries.  I mean, look at Tuesday - lowest = 3 degrees - does that sound like 'spring' temperature to you???