17 September 2007

decisions*decisions = CONFUSION

ok.. so...

i don't even have a salary, but i am already millions in debt. no no... not because of gambling problems, or alcohol addiction, but because of the condominium that i successfully convinced my parents to purchase. you see... i don't have a house in bangkok, so the condo will be my permanent home when i go back. and since i'm a commoner with a deficit in the amount i have in my bank account, my parents offered to pay in advance, and i'll have to pay them back. ok.. with that in mind, i am millions in debt.

and here's the current situation: my parents want me to work in aussieland for a few months to save up some money to pay for the condo. seeing that the salary will be higher than what i would make in thailand considering the conversion rate and all. so... i have to make a decision

1. extend my studies to a year and a half to take advantage of the 'student visa' which allows me to work 20 hours a week
2. finish my studies this year and apply for a new visa to come and work

no matter what, i will have to go back to thailand before feb because of the annual ticket thingy. i'm all confused...

can someone tell my parents to call me please, my ESP with mom hasn't been working properly lately... HAHA >.<

04 September 2007

Definition of 'Blonde'

What is with US contestants in beauty pageants this year? First, Miss USA fell during Miss Universe contest. And now the representative from South Carolina in Miss Teen USA 2007. Not that she fell or anything, but she might have fell backstage and hit her head or something, cuz how can you give that answer?????

OK... so the question was: "Recent polls have shown a fifth of Americans can't locate the US on a world map. Why do you think this is?"

And this was her answer (or the beginning of her answer): "I personally believe that US Americans are unable to do so because some people out there in our nation don't have maps..." ???

DOI~ And guess what? She got into the final 4... with that answer... -_-' She even went on the Today Show to defend her answer... AND given a second chance to answer that question, she managed to make herself sound insincere ("Well, personally my friends and I, we know exactly where the United States is on our map. I don't know anyone else who doesn't...") -_-'


03 September 2007


Here's the thing... we all use Google search, yes? Well... that's fair... considering Google search is so simple to use and all. But did you know that opening a website that has white-based background color consumes alot of energy????

Anyway, the point I'm getting to is... I've been sent a website of a search engine utilizing the same platform as the one used for Google search, it's called blackle.com. It's basically Google, with a black background.

Mind you, I'm not the most environmentally friendly person in the world, but blackle.com is cool, nuf said. :D