23 February 2007

Loneliness Prevails

I've been in Sydney for over a week now. For most days I'm doing ok, not sad or anything. But for some days I get really homesick. In the beginning, my homesickness gets to the point where I have tears non-stop into the night (ok, that may be exaggerating it a bit but it felt like it).

I have met some really friendly people here but it's still not the same. No matter how many new friends you have, you'll still wish that your old friends are here. And in the midst of finding new, sincere friends, you hope that you won't be tricked by those who aim to take advantage of your friendliness. HUR~ social politics!!! hmmm

I feel that throughout my time at postgrad studies, I will always have an 'incomplete' feeling within me. I will always be a bit lonely even if I'm experiencing extreme happiness. That's because he's not here. It may seem pathetic to many people that I will always carry this loneliness with me, but that's the truth. I miss him so much. More than words can express (corny, I know). I miss hugging him, I miss hanging out with him at the mall, I miss watching him playing games, I miss hearing his voice when he calls, and I miss seeing his message pop up on my phone. With the time difference and the cost, those things are down to the minimum and somedays that's what I needed to get through the day... but it just doesn't happen.

I wish my friends were here. At least they can help me deal with it. I long for night time to approach, cuz this would mean I can talk to those back home and I'm closer to getting my studies done.

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