19 June 2007

Peel An Orange

I am dying~ *.*

The end of the semester is approaching and now I'm overloaded with work. I am stressed, and confused, and getting sick, AND the 'g' button on my computer is going bonkerz and doesn't show up when i press it half the time. *sniff*sniff*

Anyway, I was talking to Janie a few days (or was it weeks?..anyway,) ago about stress. And I came up with a "solution" to temporarily reduce stress... that is... to peel an orange. Why? Because when you're peeling an orange, you're concentrating on taking off the skin and the fiber thingies and so your mind is not on what you were stressing about. AND the scent of the orange will relax your senses. AND your body will benefit from the vitamin C when you eat the orange. Isn't that smart??? hahaha

Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go peel a dozen oranges~


  1. Anonymous2:56 PM


  2. Anonymous2:05 AM

    I peel tons of oranges, you know how I eat oranges, I'm still stress, so it's not true man!!!
