04 May 2007

Supersized Mentality

What becomes of a full-time student who only has saturday classes and night classes on 2 days out of the week?? A nocturnal being who got up at noon to eat 'breakfast' while watching Oprah~

Today's topic on Oprah was on how to organize your life. Peter Walsh came on the show to remind viewers the importance of prioritizing what is important in life. I'm not gonna go through everything that was mentioned.. you can go read it yourself here. But some of the things that he said made a lot of sense to me. -_-'

The mentality of people these days is that more is better. Buy one get one free.. meaning having one is good, having two is better. This mentality can lead to problems, either personally, physically, emotionally, or spiritually. Obesity is one problem that arises from this 'supersized mentality'(duh! super size me, anyone??). If a small plate of food is good, the big plate must be better. All the things that we have been accumulating in our lives made it difficult for us to focus on the future. All the things that we thought meant a lot is actually preventing us from venturing forward. So, Peter Walsh suggested that we should de-clutter our home, our sanctuary, so we can focus on what is REALLY important in life.

I would love to do that... but looking around my teeny room, there's nothing for me to throw away. Yet, I still feel trapped. -_-'

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous3:06 AM

    this reminds me...

    would you buy a product for the price of two?? HHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
