23 January 2007

Scaredy Cat

I was tossing and turning all night on saturday. I couldn't sleep. I turned off the lights and tried to sleep since 2 am and couldn't sleep until 5 am!!!!!! Needless to say, the next morning I was emotional and crazy... sleep deprived.

Only 3 more weeks til my departure. I'm scared. And as a person who thinks WAY too much, I worry myself. To the point that I can't sleep. I hope I can survive the first few days. Once I've settle down then I should be ok. It's just the first few days that I'm scared about.

19 January 2007

A Day in History

Today marks the last day of my employment at this company, the title reflects this issue. It's an important milestone because NEVER AGAIN will I be tricked by the ONLY good advertising that comes out of this place. (Which happens to be a job advertising.) NEVER AGAIN will I be tricked by the words of a crazy monkey. (Which won't be possible cuz he returned to his head office.) HAHA

I will miss my colleagues here though. It'll be lonely without them.

16 January 2007

Fantasy Addiction

P'Toy and P'Lek (my colleagues) just came back from a business trip to Indonesia!! (ok... so that's not very exciting). The good part is that they're back with..... *wait for it*....... CASAVA CHIPS!!!! Briefly, casava is similar to a sweet potato. This thing is by far, the BEST snack from indonesia. Every time I go there for business (that means to go sit in a research room, jotting down notes, or playing games), I always eat this thing and never knew what it was. But this time P'Toy and P'Lek found out and bought some back!!! It's SooooooooOOOOOO good !!!!! Can't stop eating it!!!! =D

That's not the only thing I'm addicted to at this moment. I am also addicted to.... *wait for it*...... my Nintendo DS Lite!!!!! (mine's ice blue color)

Yes!! I bought a handheld game!!! And I LOVE IT!!!! I've been playing with my nintendog, and now I'm starting to play Final Fantasy III. OK, so it was very hard to admit that because I've been saying that I don't enjoy the game (to annoy a certain individual..haha). But now that I've started playing, I.... erm.... I..... (damn, can't admit it).... I...*blank*....it!!! (HA!)


PS. AY: i have just admitted that i like the game, so that means you are right. and if you read this blog before Friday January 19,2007 and i know about it, i will treat you one ABP sandwich. hur~ so generous of me. =)

15 January 2007

Piled Higher and Deeper

The title is not supposed to be disgusting, ok, it's the real title of the comic strip that my friend send to me. "Piled Higher and Deeper: a grad student comic strip". Go check it out!

08 January 2007

Royal Flora Ratchapruek

Ok, so this is a quick recap of my experience at the Royal Flora Ratchapruek in Chiang Mai.

As soon as I entered the gates, I was in awe. First, because there were SO MANY people!!! >.<. Second, I don't understand why there were so many people.. looking at trees... trees that can even be found along the side of the road.

(city people looking at colorful flowers)

In all honesty, I don't know what the fuss is all about. Ok, so the flowers were pretty, and there were lots of weird flowers. There were genetically modified orchids, which they made to smell like lemon and chocolate. The lemon smells really refreshing, but the chocolate.... smells like a dead flower. ick! and on the way out of the orchid loop, we had to walk pass ALOT of chocolate smelling orchids... oh the agony~

(in english: chicken necklace)

(city person smelling chocolate scented orchid)

Next, we went to see deers!! Before we enter the area, the representative said 'when you come out, we'll show you a lucky turtle!!'. So in we went and out we came. They did show us a turtle, but it was not a small turtle that we can hold in our hand. It was a turtle created by flowers on a hill -_-. And I thought I'll get a free souvenir.

When it's almost dark, the parade/show began. It was the most confusing show in the world. You know why?? Because none of the visitors knew where to look. It's like this...

The temple is where the highlight of the show was, and there were 3 little stages with performers, doing the same thing. Obviously, everyone wanted to look at the stage near the temple because that's where the fireworks were. So people tried to crowd over to the temple, leaving the 3rd stage empty with about 3-4 people watching the performers. Felt kinda sorry for them really.

On the way out, we finally got to see what we came to see in the first place. [*drumrolls......*] THE GOLDEN SHOWER TREE!!!!! The highlight of going to the Royal Flora Ratchapruek is to see the tree (this has everything to do with it's name *wink*).

(city person pointing at the tree, NOT the children)

So when we finally saw it, we realised our mission was complete. But guess what? If we have told someone that we wanted to see that tree, we wouldn't even have to go to the expo in the first place. Because the golden shower tree were lined up along the road... all the way home. -_-

04 January 2007

New Year Jitters

New Year celebration is supposed to be about eating way too much and stay up way too late. But not this year, not in Bangkok.

I bet you've all heard about bombs in Bangkok on New Year's Eve. This is too sad. Four months ago there was a coup and now the bomb threats. At least this time I wasn't in my room freaking out everytime there's a loud noise. I was at home in Chiang Mai (the northern part of Thailand). I was busy running around the house like a headless chicken, with a friend, looking for fireworks.

I hope this year would be better... i'm scared =(