22 February 2008

I'm still alive

Due to a number of requests to update my blog (ONE, to be exact), here it is....

Now that I have more time... ok.. that's a hint to people who knows me... when I say that I have 'more time', it usually means I am working and thus needing some distraction... notice how I blog more when I was still in uni, but not so much after I graduated? (oh, by the way, I graduated last December). So... now that I have more time, I shall start blogging again... in fact, I have so much time that I created another blog... just for the sake of having it. I will let you all know the URL for the new blog as soon as I've tweaked around with it.

So, yes, I am alive, and yes, I am working now, and yes, I am still in Sydney. Thanks for all the concerns people (person). I'm still alive.
